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Lower Your Cancer Risk by Controlling These Factors
Release Time:2024-05-27

While genetics play a role in cancer development, external factors such as lifestyle choices, pollution, infectious agents and radiation are more significant. Research shows that environmental factors greatly influence disease risk, suggesting lifestyle changes substantially reduce cancer risk. Here are the key external factors contributing to cancer and how to manage them:


Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and contributes to at least 14 other types of cancer. Both active and passive smoking are harmful due to the carcinogens in tobacco. Strategies to quit smoking, including dietary changes like incorporating anti-inflammatory agents (e.g., curcumin) can reduce cancer risk.



Chronic alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancers in the liver, pancreas, mouth, breast and upper aerodigestive tract. Alcohol metabolizes into carcinogens like acetaldehyde and free radicals, damaging DNA. Avoiding alcohol can prevent a significant percentage of these cancers.



Diet may account for 30-35% of cancer deaths, particularly colorectal cancer. High consumption of red meat, food additives and contaminants like pesticides increases cancer risk. Adopting a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can mitigate these risks.



Obesity is linked to several cancers, including colon, breast, endometrium and liver cancers. Excess weight contributes to 14% of cancer deaths in men and 20% in women in the US. Managing weight through diet and exercise can reduce cancer risk by addressing inflammation and hormonal imbalances associated with obesity.


Infectious Agents

Infections cause about 17.8% of cancers globally, with higher rates in developing countries. Viruses like HPV, HBV, HCV and HIV are linked to cancers such as cervical, liver and Kaposi’s sarcoma. Vaccinations and safe practices to prevent infections significantly reduce these cancer risks.


By controlling these external factors—avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol, maintaining a healthy diet, managing weight and preventing infections—you can significantly lower your cancer risk. Adopting these lifestyle changes is a proactive approach to cancer prevention.

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