Industry News
Research Reveals Night Owls Face Heightened Risk of Diabetes
A recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine journalfound that individuals who prefer staying up late, commonly known as night owls or those with "evening chronotypes," have a higher risk of d...
Flu and HFMD: Common Fall Illnesses to Watch Out for
Influenza and Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease are two common illnesses that tend to be more prevalent in the fall season.Influenza, or the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus. During t...
What are preventable cancers and how are they prevented?
Did you know that around 40% of cancer cases can be prevented?The World Environment Foundation emphasizes that many of these risk factors are within our control and are related to our lifestyle choices. The WCRF ident...
How excessive salt intake can impact heart
Excessive salt intake can have a significant impact on heart health. When we consume excess salt, our body retains water to maintain the proper balance of electrolytes. This results in an increased volume of blood cir...
Managing Seasonal Allergies: Strategies for a Comfortable Lifestyle
Seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever, can be a recurring challenge for many individuals during certain times of the year. These allergies are typically triggered by airborne substances such as pollen, mold spor...
Battling Air Pollution: Protecting Our Health!
The issue of air pollution is a pressing concern that affects us all. The harmful pollutants in the air we breathe can have severe consequences for our health and well-being.Prolonged exposure to air pollution is link...
Why Ticks Can Pose a Health Threat
With summer in full swing around the globe, a larger number of individuals are venturing outdoors to make the most of their time. However, the rise in temperature also brings with itstroublesome ticks and tick-borne d...
Empowering Women's Health: Navigating Menopause and Beyond
As women, we face a unique set of health challenges throughout our lives. From puberty to childbirth and beyond, our bodies go through many changes that can impact our physical and emotional well-being. One of the mos...